27 July 2017

QURAN 4: 161 - 162

[] 4.  WOMEN  (nisaaAa) 
With the name of Allah, the Magnanimous, the Merciful.

161. … and their taking interest:
 and definitely they were prohibited against it;
 and they ate the possessions of mankind with falsehood:
 and We prepared for the heathens from them
 a painful punishment;
162. but those from them immersed in knowledge,
 and the believers,
 believe in what is revealed to you,
 and what was revealed before you;
 and those who stand up to Pray,
 and give alms,
 and believe in Allah and the last Day:
 those, We will give them a supreme payment. 

translation: © farouk asvat (2001 - 2016)
                            Arabic                          English
(1)                       ri baa                            interest
(2)                       na ha[y]                        prohibit
(3)                       raa si guwn                   immersed
(4)                       Iilm                               knowledge
(5)                       Aa Tziym                      supreme
[] please check out my blogs and spread the word @:

books by farouk asvat: www.faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com

[] also link up on:

amazon kindle author @ www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat

[] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)
Weapons Of Words (literary essays)

> all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.

Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.
I have been studying and translating the Qu'ran for more than ten years,
full time, while living on my frugal savings. 
If you are able to help me with a grant, scholarship, bursary, stipend,
teaching position, or lectureship, I would highly appreciate it. 
Besides preparing the final formatting of the Qu'ran for publication,
and the Quranic Arabic Made Easy arabic-english / english-arabic dictionary,
I will be posting weekly extracts from the Qu'ran
on google+, linkedin, facebook and twitter. 

I can be contacted at: farouk.asvat@gmail.com

Please do not use google translate,
or any other online translation
as they are highly inaccurate. 

Do not follow your own whims,
or what others tell you,
as they might be in contradiction to what is actually in the Qur'aan. 
The only way to know what the Qur'aan actually reveals
is to read the Qur'aan in a language you understand. 

Also, please consider the verses published here,
in the context of the ENTIRE Qur'aan
and in relation to ALL the other verses in the Qur'aan. 
#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #books #classics
#faroukasvat #Quran #translation #book of wisdom
#majesticQuran #nobleQuran #supremeQuran #wonderfulQuran #arabicQuran #clearQuran


20 July 2017

QURAN 2: 276 - 279

[] 2.  THE COW  (al baQarah)  
With the name of Allah, the Magnanimous, the Merciful.

276. Allah divests interest,
 and cultivates charity;
 and Allah does not love all the heathen sinners.
277. Surely those who believe,
 and do pious deeds,
 and stand up to Pray,
 and give alms,
 for them their payment is in the presence of their Lord;
 and no fear upon them,
 and they are not sad;
278. o those of you who believe,
 be conscious of Allah,
 and forfeit what remains from the interest,
 - if you are believers;
279. so if you do not,
 so notification of war from Allah and His Messenger;

translation: © farouk asvat (2001 - 2016)
                            Arabic                          English
(1)                       yam Ha Quw                divest
(2)                       ri baa                            interest
(3)                       yur biy                          cultivate
(4)                       Swa Da Qat                  charity
(5)                       Swaa li Ha                    pious
[] please check out my blogs and spread the word @:

books by farouk asvat: www.faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com

[] also link up on:

amazon kindle author @ www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat

[] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)
Weapons Of Words (literary essays)

> all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.

Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.
I have been studying and translating the Qu'ran for more than ten years,
full time, while living on my frugal savings. 
If you are able to help me with a grant, scholarship, bursary, stipend,
teaching position, or lectureship, I would highly appreciate it. 
Besides preparing the final formatting of the Qu'ran for publication,
and the Quranic Arabic Made Easy arabic-english / english-arabic dictionary,
I will be posting weekly extracts from the Qu'ran
on google+, linkedin, facebook and twitter. 

I can be contacted at: farouk.asvat@gmail.com

Please do not use google translate,
or any other online translation
as they are highly inaccurate. 

Do not follow your own whims,
or what others tell you,
as they might be in contradiction to what is actually in the Qur'aan. 
The only way to know what the Qur'aan actually reveals
is to read the Qur'aan in a language you understand. 

Also, please consider the verses published here,
in the context of the ENTIRE Qur'aan
and in relation to ALL the other verses in the Qur'aan. 
#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #books #classics
#faroukasvat #Quran #translation #book of wisdom
#majesticQuran #nobleQuran #supremeQuran #wonderfulQuran #arabicQuran #clearQuran


13 July 2017

QURAN 3: 130

[] 3.  IMRAAN  (Iimraan)  
With the name of Allah, the Magnanimous, the Merciful.

130. O those of you who believe,
 do not eat the interest,
 doubling with doubling;
 and be conscious of Allah,
 for you to be successful;

translation: © farouk asvat (2001 - 2016)
                            Arabic                          English
(1)                       Aa ka la                        eat
(2)                       ri baa                            interest
(3)                       Dwaa Aa fa                  doubling
(4)                       ta Qiy ya                       conscious
(5)                       muf li Huwn                 successful
[] please check out my blogs and spread the word @:

books by farouk asvat: www.faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com

[] also link up on:

amazon kindle author @ www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat

[] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)
Weapons Of Words (literary essays)

> all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.

Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.
I have been studying and translating the Qu'ran for more than ten years,
full time, while living on my frugal savings. 
If you are able to help me with a grant, scholarship, bursary, stipend,
teaching position, or lectureship, I would highly appreciate it. 
Besides preparing the final formatting of the Qu'ran for publication,
and the Quranic Arabic Made Easy arabic-english / english-arabic dictionary,
I will be posting weekly extracts from the Qu'ran
on google+, linkedin, facebook and twitter. 

I can be contacted at: farouk.asvat@gmail.com

Please do not use google translate,
or any other online translation
as they are highly inaccurate. 

Do not follow your own whims,
or what others tell you,
as they might be in contradiction to what is actually in the Qur'aan. 
The only way to know what the Qur'aan actually reveals
is to read the Qur'aan in a language you understand. 

Also, please consider the verses published here,
in the context of the ENTIRE Qur'aan
and in relation to ALL the other verses in the Qur'aan. 
#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #books #classics
#faroukasvat #Quran #translation #book of wisdom
#majesticQuran #nobleQuran #supremeQuran #wonderfulQuran #arabicQuran #clearQuran


7 July 2017

QURAN 30: 39

[] 30.  THE ROMANS  (ar ruwm) 
With the name of Allah, the Magnanimous, the Merciful.

39. And what you give from interest
 to add in the possessions of mankind:
 so you do not add in Allah's presence;
 and what you give from alms,
 intending Allah's face:
 so those, theirs will be doubled. 

translation: © farouk asvat (2001 - 2016)
                            Arabic                          English
(1)                       ri baa                            interest
(2)                       yar bu waa                    add
(3)                       maa la                           possessions
(4)                       za kaat                          alms
(5)                       Dwaa Aa fa                  double
[] please check out my blogs and spread the word @:

books by farouk asvat: www.faroukasvat-books.blogspot.com

[] also link up on:

amazon kindle author @ www.amazon.com/author/faroukasvat

[] Books by Farouk Asvat:

Sadness In The House Of Love (novel)
The Gathering Of The Storm (novel)
I Dream In Long Sentences (poetry)
The Wind Still Sings Sad Songs (poetry)
A Celebration Of Flames (poetry)
The Time Of Our Lives (poetry)
Bra Frooks … (poetry)
The Paanies Are Coming (short stories)
Weapons Of Words (literary essays)

> all my books are now available on amazon: in paperback & kindle
© farouk asvat.  All rights reserved.

Farouk Asvat asserts his moral right to be identified as the author of this work.
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means whatsoever, or transmitted in any form or any means whatsoever, mechanical or electronic, including recording, printing, photocopying, or via any computerised means or media, including the internet.  This publication shall also not be stored in a retrieval system.  And the writing shall not be sold, lent, hired, resold or circulated in any form or binding or cover other than that in which it is published,
without the prior permission of the author in writing.
Permission to publish or reproduce the writings in any format can be obtained from the author.
Reproduction of this work without permission, except for scholarly & nonprofit purposes,
is liable to a payment of 10, 000 ren men bi or US$ 1,500.
I have been studying and translating the Qu'ran for more than ten years,
full time, while living on my frugal savings. 
If you are able to help me with a grant, scholarship, bursary, stipend,
teaching position, or lectureship, I would highly appreciate it. 
Besides preparing the final formatting of the Qu'ran for publication,
and the Quranic Arabic Made Easy arabic-english / english-arabic dictionary,
I will be posting weekly extracts from the Qu'ran
on google+, linkedin, facebook and twitter. 

I can be contacted at: farouk.asvat@gmail.com

Please do not use google translate,
or any other online translation
as they are highly inaccurate. 

Do not follow your own whims,
or what others tell you,
as they might be in contradiction to what is actually in the Qur'aan. 
The only way to know what the Qur'aan actually reveals
is to read the Qur'aan in a language you understand. 

Also, please consider the verses published here,
in the context of the ENTIRE Qur'aan
and in relation to ALL the other verses in the Qur'aan. 
#love #literature #fiction #novel #poetry #books #classics
#faroukasvat #Quran #translation #book of wisdom
#majesticQuran #nobleQuran #supremeQuran #wonderfulQuran #arabicQuran #clearQuran
